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Solutions From Friends

I know so many great folks who provide services and products other than for weddings and events.  Here's a listing of them for you if you should need it.  Mention my name, you may get a special offer too!


For consideration to this page with a valid website, not wedding or event related and is your own business or family owned business, email me at (my personal friends are exempt from the guidelines)


Automobile & Vehicle Sales

Adam Schroeck - Chevrolet-Glens Falls

Stephanie Goldstein - Subaru - Albany Area


Automobile & Truck Repair

Tara Allen-Threw - Adirondack Truck Repair - Queensbury



Dr. Sydney Hochman - Queensbury

Dr. Chad Mac Naughton - Glens Falls

Dr. Edward Kinum - Scotia


 Contractors (Home and Business)

Anthony & Steve Cerrone - Cerrone Builders - Saratoga Area

Ivan Bell - IBS Septic Service - Glens Falls Area

Karl Brenneisen - Glen Lake Dockbuilders - Lake George Area

Mike McGrath - 1-800-PAINT JOB - Painting/Powerwashing - Queensbury Area

Patrick Burke - Burke Brothers Builders - Lake George Area

Steve Rajeski - Electrican - Glens Falls Area (518-792-1540)

Timothy Danz - Family Danz - Heating/Air Conditioning -Albany Area

Ty Hall - Jack Hall Plumbing - Heating/Plumbing/Air Conditioning - Glens Falls Area



Kim Sardo - Ayurveda Wellness - Massachusetts


Insurance Needs

Nick Taylor - Taylor & Leonard - Glens Falls Area



Michael Baxter - Heber Associates - Queensbury Area

Connie Gerarde - Keena Staffing - Queensbury Area



April North - Royalview Realty - Queensbury Area

Dee Karabin - Albany Area



Rob DeRoziere - RDR Grafix - Amsterdam


Seasonal Businesses

Mary Giella - Lumberjack Pass Mini Golf & Ice Cream - Lake George

Brett Lange- Christie's on the Lake - Lake George


Trophies/Plaques/Sports Awards

Joe Marcelletti - Sports Journal - Glens Falls



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